What Inspires You?



Color inspires me! The infinite emotions color makes you feel is awesome... and very often overwhelming.


Hands inspire me! Character shows in your hands. What your mind envisions can be given life by your hands.

Do you remember someone's hands? I remember a special teacher's hands from many years ago. She was a potter, and I remember thinking "I want my hands to look like Ms. Buchanan's hands one day."


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People Who Inspire

Last night I attended a dinner in Lake Jackson, Texas. There were some good friends there and many people I had not yet met. There were three distinguished citizens who spoke to the standing room only crowd. As I listened to them address us, I thought how the three men inspire people so differently.

First to speak was Texas Senator John Cornyn. He spoke in general sweeping terms, employing familiar euphemisms, calm and thoughtful in demeanor. He praised the diligence of the people he works with in Washington in trying to address the issues faced by our country. I didn't come away from his speech with a clear message, but a feeling he is a calm voice in that storm of controversy.

Up next was our Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson. He's just the kind of guy Texans like, friendly, funny, giving freely of praise to the people who work with him at the Texas Capitol. He tells a story like no one else, and when he gets to the point of the story, you come away with a clear idea of why he supports the position he advocates. He is clearly a defender of the 2nd Amendment, and you come away knowing you will always remember that.

Rep. Ron Paul, our long-time representative and 2012 Presidential candidate, then came to the podium. A man of character, devotion and dedication, you see that in every nuance of his manner. He spoke of hope for our country, the future for the America we love. Then he told us where our hope lay. He spoke not in generalities, not in clichés, not in stories, no jocularity in his voice. His was the voice of history... invoking eras of ancient and modern history, the history of other countries and the history of America. Where does the hope of our future lay? Can we really believe there IS hope? From where will the hope of our country come? From the schools. Throughout history, revolution and change have been student driven. Our young people, "hungry for a clear message of freedom", are the hope in whom we can believe.

And so, three men, each inspiring in their own manner. These men embody the message of Mahatma Gandhi... "Be the change you wish to see in the world." If you would have peace, be peaceful and calm. If you would have laughter, be joyful and humorous. But if you would have hope enter the world, give hope.

It is possible to inspire the best in your fellow man. You must lead in your own way, that others may understand and then follow.

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