Just a note...

My design studio is changing direction! Due to current demands on my time, I cannot commit to bringing on new clients at this time.

What a nice thing it is to work with people you care about. My clients are the absolute best! They are passionate about the causes they support and the work they do. 


The Passion of a Lifetime

Art has always guided my energy. For as long as I can remember I have known that my life would be full of creativity. Of course in my early years I defined "art" as drawing and painting, always involving a pen and brush with more than a touch of inspiration.

Now in my later years, I realize the art of my life has been constantly changing... and evolving just as my life has. My work has touched on many disciplines, beginning with composing drawings and paintings of many different subjects. Then I fell in love with photography, which I love to this day.

I have also known from an early age that my creative nature was drawn to the creation and invention of various things which has led to a fascinating years-long entrepreneurial journey, and the overarching story of my creative life.

My father died suddenly of cancer when I was 17, and this laid the foundation for much soul-searching. About 20 years after his death, I became very interested in the history of our family. Through this quest, I have discovered my drive to create has been handed down through many of my paternal generations. Through the discovery of the genealogy of my family, their life stories, their trials and their joys, and especially the entrepreneurial nature evident in their lives gives me an insight into my own passions and motivations. 


Let's talk Books!

Yes, books! Talk about a change of subjects! Well, not really... you see, much passion goes into the creation of a book. It's easy to take a book for granted. You order one from Amazon, you enjoy reading it, and it goes on a shelf in your bookcase. But so much passion goes into the author's work!

My daughter Amanda has written several books about Shakespeare... the REAL Shakespeare! Perhaps you have heard that there has been a theory about the true identity of the man who used the pen-name William Shakespeare. Yes, for about the last 100 years people have been talking and writing passionately about this man. She has taught and directed the plays at the college level. www.14rooms.org

And now I, too, am writing a few books about my passion... our family history, which I have now researched many family lines back to the middle ages, and a few centuries beyond that. After fulfilling my passion of creating this treasure trove of history, a search which actually never will end, I will put it all together into as many illustrated books as it takes to tell the story of over a thousand years.